Top 5 Discussions About Bulk sms
Getting Started with Bulk SMS, Bulk SMS is one of the most reliable and accessible methods of interaction for online marketers. One of the most effective communication channels for marketers is bulk SMS. Despite being over 25 years old and incredibly basic, bulk SMS is likely to remain a major force in customer communications for the foreseeable future.
While there’s loads of information available, it all tends to concentrate on one specific aspect.
We thought it would be useful to bring as much of that information about bulk SMS into one place.
1. What is bulk SMS?
A bulk SMS is a broader term that describes any SMS communication that is sent to more than a few people.
Bulk SMS campaigns are usually sent out using web based SMS software as opposed to via an SMS API or email to SMS service.
A user simply logs into their account and uploads their mobile numbers, composes their message, as well as selects the date and time of their project.
SMS credits for sending the campaigns are purchased in bulk from the SMS provider who usually offer discounts for larger blocks of SMS credits.
Bulk SMS is normally used to refer to SMS marketing texts rather than alerts or notifications. For example, appointment reminders going out to multiple recipients wouldn’t be referred to as a bulk SMS campaign.
The bulk SMS that a local pizza restaurant sends to its customers would definitely fall under the term bulk SMS.
2.How can you distinguish bulk SMS from an SMS API or SMS gateway?
Bulk SMS campaigns are normally sent from a dedicated piece of SMS software, whereas SMS sent via a bulk SMS API are sent via an integration with a separate piece software.
For example, most of us receive appointment reminders by text for dentist and doctor’s appointments. These are sent automatically by the software at a set time before your visit is due.
No one has logged into a bulk SMS platform and manually sent the reminders.
Text messages sent through bulk SMS gateway tend to be non-marketing, 'transactional' texts rather than advertising campaigns.
3. In which market sectors does bulk SMS marketing occur most frequently?
The leisure industry tends to utilize SMS marketing the most, but most industries use it in some way.
Several years ago, most of us were plagued by a tsunami of texts from PPI and claims companies. Largely due to new SMS regulations and more recently, The GDPR, these nuisance texts are thankfully a thing of the past.
Please note that the following percentage breakdown of SMS use by industry is based on texts sent using bulk SMS platforms, not messages sent via an API.
4. Bulk SMS price and features
Over the past 20 years, since the industry first started, there’s been an explosion in bulk sms providers.
Back in 1998, there were about 8 companies offering bulk SMS. Now there are well over 100.
Just a few quick notes about the bulk sms price comparison
The price is in UK pence and is quoted exclusive of VAT.
The price is a cost per text for purchasing a block of 1000 text credits and excludes any introductory offers.
Some bulk sms companies don’t quote their pricing on their websites.
Some companies don’t make any mention of whether credits expire, so that information has been omitted.
Where SMS credits do expire, we had to hunt hard to find it. This information was normally buried deep on the terms on conditions page.
5. What are the main differences between bulk SMS companies and what should I look out for when choosing an SMS provider?
Thankfully the business SMS industry is reasonably reputable.
15 years ago there used to be a large number of disreputable companies that would send SMS campaigns through very low quality grey routes.
This would result in very poor delivery or lengthy delays.
Almost all those companies have now disappeared or are buried on page 10 of Google for any SMS related search, so you’re unlikely to stumble across them.
Prior to signing up for a bulk SMS website, you should check a few things.
1. Do they use SMS Grey routes?
As above, it’s unlikely these days but it’s still worth asking the question. Make sure that the SMS company you choose uses tier 1 direct-to-network connections, using reputable and well reviewed SMS aggregators.
This means you’ll be getting the fastest and most secure bulk SMS delivery.
2. Do SMS credits expire?
A surprising number of companies will remove your SMS credits if they’re not used. Terms and conditions often bury this information, so it may not be immediately apparent.
3. Does the carrier charge you for undeliverable texts?
100% of the companies on our comparison table charge you for failed texts, even though they are not charged themselves.
The SMS Works’ bulk SMS platform will not be charging for undelivered texts. We’ll of course be letting everyone know when it’s ready.
4. Clear SMS pricing
There are still plenty of SMS companies that make their pricing confusing and cloudy.
Many have an enticingly low cost per text for a new customer and then prices increase dramatically as soon as you make your second purchase.
'SMS credits' are another area of confusion. Some SMS providers quote a low rate per SMS credit and then you discover that to send a text in your chosen country will use more than one SMS credit.
Make sure you know exactly how many SMS credits will be used to send a text.
If you’re sending SMS internationally, check the prices carefully. Sometimes the local rate per SMS is reasonable but sending internationally costs a fortune.
5. Support and documentation
How much support can you really expect from your bulk SMS supplier? It’s important to know. No one wants to be kept waiting for hours for a response to a simple question.
How does the bulk SMS documentation stack up? 'SMS credits' are another area of confusion.
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